Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Tired of stress and trauma holding you back? ART might be the missing link you’ve been looking for.

2165520121So many things can take control of our lives…




Low self-confidence…

Traumatic events…

Relationship issues…

These things rob us of our sense of safety, leaving us feeling on edge.

They keep us on the lookout for danger and uncertainty.

They haunt us, thrusting old, painful memories into our present-day lives.

Disempowered and disconnected, you’d do anything to get peace back into your life.

In this fast-paced society…

We have constant demands on our time, emotions, and nervous systems. We’re swimming in an endless stream of information, addicted to our screens like they’re flotation devices.

We’re anywhere BUT the present, losing touch with others and ourselves. We’re always working or worrying… or worrying about working.

In this environment, it’s no wonder we’re so stressed and anxious!

527133979Have you ever felt like you needed to “move on”?

Maybe a painful childhood, a loss, or a scary event from your past continues to haunt you or hold you back from living the life you want. And no matter how much you talk about what happened, you can’t shake off the experience.

If this sounds familiar, you may have gone through trauma. Trauma can result from ongoing events (like living in a home where you didn’t feel important or cared for) or from isolated incidents (like a car accident, seeing a loved one pass away, or being held at gunpoint).

No matter what kind of trauma you experienced, your nervous system was affected in a way that harmed your ability to live life fully in the present.

How many times have you tried to break the cycle?

If you’re like most people… many times!

You’ve read the self-help books and tried the coping tools, but they didn’t help.

Even when you manage to make a change, it’s usually not long before the intrusive thoughts start ramping up and self-doubt sets in.

It’s a downward spiral, and you find yourself repeating the same old patterns.

455429461ART therapy can help you turn it around.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a safe, holistic treatment that heals your body and mind so you can overcome anxiety, trauma, and general life stress.

If you’re stressed, anxious, or depressed… or struggling to overcome past trauma or relationship issues, ART can help. We’ll take a systemic approach, targeting your mind and body to leverage your inner resilience and strength so you can heal.

It’s a safe way to explore beliefs, traumatic memories, and life experiences… and help you rediscover who you are and who you’re meant to be.

By working directly with your brain using tools like eye movement and imagery, we can examine old beliefs, liberate unprocessed emotions, and change intrusive thoughts, and calm your body – all without talking extensively about your past.

Due to the natural resiliency in our brains, many people notice a positive change after 1-5 sessions!

Here’s how it works…

Rather than discussing what happened in detail (we want to ensure you’re calm and comfortable), we’ll target old memories and beliefs directly at the brain.

Using a technique called “voluntary memory replacement,” we’ll stimulate both sides of your brain (simple eye movements from left to right) to reprogram how distressing thoughts, images, memories, and sensations are stored in your brain and body.

When the trauma happened, your brain and body were overwhelmed. You couldn’t safely and properly process what happened and heal, so the event became “stuck” inside you. It’s like your brain couldn’t “file away” the memory, and it “lingers around” in your body.

ART’s bilateral stimulation bypasses the area of the brain that processes memories, allowing you to “reprocess” what happened. Over the course of treatment, these memories will lose their power; you won’t be triggered or disturbed by them.

By removing their emotional charge and learning new skills, ART helps you slow down, be present, and enjoy what is.

2037499082Getting back to the life you deserve…

Feeling safe in your body…

Eliminating intrusive memories…

Thinking more positively…

Maintaining healthy boundaries…

Enjoying the present moment…

Breaking free from old patterns…

Resuming control of your life…

All this is waiting for you on the other side of ART!

There is hope!

I know you’re tired… and this isn’t easy. In fact, that first step is often the hardest to take. But I’m here in your corner, and I always make sure you feel safe at each step of the process.

This work will bring you the peace you’re looking for. Imagine being RELAXED – no more avoiding… no more fretting… no more battling the past.

Therapy doesn’t have to be exhausting or stressful to be effective.

You don’t have to feel this pain forever. Call or fill out the contact form to schedule your free consultation: (347) 618-6641.