Frequently Asked Questions

You may have questions about therapy: what it is, what can be expected in the therapy room, and how therapy might benefit you. This FAQ was created to address some of these common and meaningful questions.

Why should I go to therapy?

It’s comforting to confide in someone not entangled in your everyday life – someone not connected to your home, work, or family worlds.

Why? The people we see daily… even if they’re wonderful human beings… have shaped and sometimes encouraged our perspectives. Those perspectives are helpful, but they can also be limited.

It can be helpful to step outside our usual mode of thought and be challenged to think in new, creative ways. Therapy is a safe place where this can take place at a comfortable speed and intensity.

What if I already know what my problems are?
You may, but knowing what they are and knowing what to do about them are two entirely different things. Even if you know the origin of your issues or problems, a therapist helps you challenge your reality, strategize for the future, and learn how to cope in the present.
How do I pick a therapist?

This is a great question! Finding the right therapist is not only important, it is essential to your progress.

Not feeling comfortable with your therapist is often a sign that it is time to find someone who “clicks” better with you.

You will never hurt my feelings if you want to shop for another therapist.

How will we measure my progress?

Measuring your progress is an ongoing part of therapy, and it’s something we’ll both do.

As your therapist, I’ll often see small changes before you do.

But I’ll always want to know how you’re feeling and how you see the status of your symptoms.

What if I don’t notice anything changing?
Don’t give up or think there’s “no point” to therapy if you don’t see many external changes. Your inner environment (perceptions, feelings, coping abilities) likely is changing.
Is therapy as awkward as it seems?

Yes, therapy can feel awkward at times. Sharing our feelings is often difficult – perhaps because we live in a society where it’s frowned upon.

I always strive to make you feel comfortable and safe. Your well-being is always at the forefront, so I’ll let you lead the way and choose what you share and when to share it.

I might gently nudge you toward uncomfortable topics because this is where our work starts to move toward change, but your well-being will always be at the forefront.

Will we talk for the entire session?
We can, but not all therapy involves extensive talking. EMDR, for example, helps you process past trauma and doesn’t require that you speak at length or in great detail about what happened.
How long should I expect to be in therapy?

It varies wildly. Some only attend briefly; others go for years to address deep-seated issues.

It depends on your needs, and how long you participate is entirely up to you.

Do you prescribe medication?

No, only a medical doctor (MD) can prescribe medication.

Some of my clients take medication, though. Whether you do, don’t, or are considering it, we can work together.